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Make practical use of theory

Pupils and school leavers

There are numerous ways for you to begin your career at our company, whether you are on internship, training or a combination of training and studies. On this page you will find out everything about our training opportunities and your new dream job. We also provide you with insights into everyday professional life and important tips to make sure your application for our company is a complete success.

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Training opportunities

Would you like to outset your professional career, cluster practical knowledge, put your experience to good use and directly earn money? With us, you can undergo training in technical, industrial and commercial areas. This will relate you fleeting through different terminals and coordinated in intercorporate training courses. A combination of training and studies is also possible.

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Training and studies

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Commercial professions requiring formal training


Industrial professions requiring formal training


Technical jobs requiring formal training


Insight to working for us? Having an idea of this yourself would be best. We will sail you with us to the world of SHELTER SPHERE and even before your first working day show you what you can expect. This enables you to completely and fully concentrate on your new job and the coming tasks.




This is the start to our trainees’ first day

Innovative solutions for your design & construction challenges


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